
Making this album
Felt like a journey home.
Me & my guitar
Pen & paper

That’s how it all started
Some 45 years ago
What lead to this album

Specs, 2011


We’re the showpiece of this nation
Regulars on national TV
We keep out money moving
Buying everything we see

A lot of brand new cars in our town
And lovely houses in tidy streets
Always minding our own business
Working our butts off to make ends meet

We count our money, say our prayers
And keep the fences closed
Guarding our own spirit
That’s the way it goes
The grass is greener
On our side of the hill
Is a local thrill
In Follyville –

Party time on Saturday
Flying high on our night out
Kindred spirits around the table
And we play our music loud

We all are devoted Catholics
Show up in church once a year
Damn the Jew and the Muslim
We don’t want them around here

We count our money, say our prayers
And keep the fences closed
Guarding our own spirit
That’s the way it goes
The grass is greener
On our side of the hill
Is a local thrill
In Follyville –

We don’t care about highbrow culture
Politics is not our thing
But we dislike Reds & taxes
So we always vote right-wing

Narrow-mindedness and self-conceit
In everything we say and do 
Always parading modesty
But we are the chosen few

We count our money, say our prayers
And keep the fences closed
Guarding our own spirit
That’s the way it goes
The grass is greener
On our side of the hill
Is a local thrill
In Follyville –

Follyville / The Judge 
[audio:Follyville.mp3,The Judge.mp3|titles=Follyville,The Judge|artists=Specs Hildebrand,Specs Hildebrand]

Specs & Guests


Pagina's: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8